The concept of bag less day has been introduced for the students of classes I to V to begin with. The first bag less day was organised on 19th October. Series of activities were planned for the students. The students participated in at least 2 activities from the various activities available.
Honesty Shop
School opened an Honesty Shop to check the students for the Honesty. The shop was inaugurated by Mr. A K Chaudhary GM (O&M) and Mr. Ravi Shankar Kaul HOD (HR). I am happy to share that 90% of the students were found to be honest.
Yoga is a valuable gift to India’s ancient tradition. It is a very good practice as it sustains stress and strain. It adds to the physical fitness and mental peace of an individual. Yoga classes is being conducted regularly for students and teachers.

Project happiness and Community service
We collect money through activities under School Enterprise and onate parts of collection to Old Age home, Orphanage and Blind School. As part of Project Happiness, the school has adopted the village Karra near Sipat. Computer classes are conducted by the school students to students of Karra Village.

Funtoot classes:
To make Maths fun and interesting Funtoot interactive classes are going on for I to VIII.
Extramarks smart class
Every class is equipped with smart class.
Robotics Lab
Robotics activities for concrete, contextualized, and provide immediate feedback
Activity / robotics based learning solutions
Students are encouraged towards Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
School Enterprise
School enterprise for inculcating enterprising skills of students. Students set up their own enterprise during school functions which is used for charity work.
Cleanliness campaign
Imbibing human values is an integral part of education. The school has tried to inculcate in the students the necessity to keep their surroundings clean. The cleanliness campaign has sparked the inherent quality of a student to work together and this has helped the campaign to be highly successful. The kids have come up with interesting and innovative ideas to keep the environment clean.